Welcome to Tower Hamlets
Tower Hamlets is truly unique, offering some of the very best of London, packed into one dynamically diverse borough. We’re moving forward, boldly proving that Tower Hamlets epitomises our capital’s rich past, it's exciting future and the energy that drives it all forward.
Rooted in layers of history, stretching back almost 1,000 years, Tower Hamlets is today is a youthful, ambitious and vibrant place.
Always a global gateway for new people, new products, new trades and new ideas, Tower Hamlets is a borough of opportunity that leads the way as the heart of London moves east.
Our learning institutions lead the world, and our people work hard to build fulfilling lives, stronger communities and a better world. Combining some of London's best destinations with hundreds of cultural and community activities, there is always something new to experience.
Shaped by our environment of dense development, open spaces, commercial drive and the constant surge of the river, our cultural life thrives. We embrace our diversity, and we know the value of difference. We are a globally influenced community. We understand that where cultures contrast and ideas intersect, is also where minds can meet, and everyone can feel at home.
Welcome to Tower Hamlets.
TH_IS For everyone. Your chance to say why it is such a special place to live, work and learn in, or visit.

Because we embrace our diversity. We know the value of difference. We are a globally influenced community like no other. We understand that where cultures contrast and ideas intersect, is also where minds can meet and everyone can feel at home.